The Zambezi Portland Cement Factory surpasses its estimated output by almost 30% – 2015

Dr. Rajan Mahtani’s Zambezi Portland Cement Factory has reached a greater height of success with its annual reports for the year ending 2014. As per verified sources, ZPC has produced an excess of 1, 00, 000 tonnes of cement and its final output for 2014 stands at 4, 73, 985 tonnes. Here is the total computation in words of Dr. Mahtani.

Mahtani Group of Companies 2015

ZPC has also been awarded with ZS ISO 9001:2008 certification from Zambian Bureau of Standards (ZABS) for maintaining prime quality. The event has boosted the moral of Mahtani Group of Companies and they now look forward to invest further in Masaiti by way of a lime plant.